Villa kap?lar?, kullan?c?lar?n ya?am?n? strüktürn?n haricindeki muhataral? durumlara kar?? emin yapmak üzere tasarlan?r ve yap?l?r.
Örne?in caml? kap? modelleri; mecra odas? kap?s? ve banyo kap?s? olarak çoklukla ye?leme edilmez. Böyle alanlarda cams
Kompozit villa kap?s? olarak adland?r?lan d?? kap?lar? öne ç?karan husus d?? etkenlere dayan?kl? olmas?d?r. Çelik kap? üzerine giydirilen kompozit panellerin all?küminyum ala??ml? olmas? ve bu panelin üzerinde bulunan desenlerin UV dayan?ml? filmlerle korunuyor olma
Doors that are used in clean environments to control air permeability. Preferred especially in operating theatres these doors are certified accordingly.
Besides, it uses advance technology in all unit, and ensure from the positive result in the product phase. This makes to Export its pr
We are aware that producing steel doors is derece just a business but also a social responsibility. Therefore, our aim is not just to manufacture steel doors, but to always strive for safer and higher-quality steel doors. Our expert staff carries out the production of steel doors with 14-point c
For pedestrians of a factory production area in the spring of 2001, months aiming to make a safer project started with door our adventure, many doors sector once, bey also in the running were infected do derece be expelled from the body spread through our entire lives as a useful virus.